When Doug and I arrived at the hospital, they hooked me up to a couple of machines to check me out. Baby K was fine, but I was having some contractions. The nurse asked me if I could feel them, and I really couldn't. At all. After being monitored for a few hours, the nurse decided that I could go home and got my discharge papers all ready to go. The last thing she was going to do was check me out to make sure that I wasn't dilated. I was.
The next thing I know, I'm getting an IV, an ultrasound, and being told that they're admitting me. Uh...what? The scariest part of the day was when they handed me a bunch of paperwork to sign, and I had to sign a paper authorizing an epidural. Ummm...was I going to have the baby? Like right now?
I was around 75% effaced, and my cervix was opening up from the inside. Also, I was having contractions that were 1-2 minutes apart. They were magical contractions though because I still couldn't feel them. I firmly believe that all my contractions are going to be invisible and painless. Trust me.
That night was spent in the hospital on some weird drugs that made me feel bizarre. My blood was drawn every 6 hours which is rather unpleasant in the middle of the night. I got steroid shots to strengthen the baby's lungs, antibiotics, and a few different medications to stop the contractions.
At 6 pm the next day, I was free! Well...free is a relative term. I was discharged from the hospital to go home to bed rest. I can get up to go to the bathroom, and I can take a shower every other day. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks, and I can't believe that it's been that long!
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