Live Journal

So...apparently when I was in college, I had a live journal.  Remember those?  They were basically the blog of the early millennium.  I have absolutely NO RECOLLECTION of having one, but I did.  And I wrote in it fairly frequently.  I know that you would love to have a link to it, but it's far too embarrassing.  I used swear words, said mean things about friends, who was I???

Anyway, the good news is that it was incredibly wonderful to look back on my college years through it.  Although I was embarrassed for myself with every post, it is so cool to remember who I was, what I did, and see how God has transformed my heart since then.  He has molded me, grown me up, revealed sins to me, and changed me in so many different ways.  As I looked back on who Jesus was to me back then, it was saddening and also uplifting.  Have you experienced this before?

One of my favorite parts about my live journal was that I was actively writing in it in the midst of meeting Doug and getting to know him better.  Remember, we were friends for 2 YEARS before we started dating.  Here are a few excerpts (about Doug, not about me saying terrible things):

"Anyways, the bonfire last night was SOOOO much fun. so incredibly much fun that i can't even describe it. the guys are all so nice and friendly and it's the first time that i got to hang out with them and stuff so it was really great. one of them is really cute (Doug), so i'm off to stalk him online ;) 

"today, i had two interviews, one over pancakes with a girl, and the second one with doug, the guy that i think it really cute. we went bikeriding up on a trail. it was insane. i think i'm in pretty good shape. i run three miles four times a week and i ride my bike to school, but pfft, that OWNED ME. i had to walk a lot of it... and I FELL!! yeah, i fell down a hill and got all muddy. and said a swear word... i was embarressing. but i made it through."

"Last night was muy fun. after I had picked mercilessly at all of my zits, one of the guys in AGO called and asked if Laura and I wanted to go get milkshakes. I was freaking out because my face was all pussy and nasty, but I had to go because cute guy (Doug) was going to be there. So i went, and it was so fun and we didn't get home until like 12:30 (late by lizzie standards)

what can i say..."my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" :)"

"I suck. seriously. I can't talk to boys. Everytime I see bike riding boy (Doug), I freeze up. I can't think of anything to say. I just stand there. and he's kind of spastic just like me and is always off in something on his own agenda. I guess we're not meant to be. But we seem so alike. I wish i could suck it up and try to talk to him."

"Wow, life is so weird. I was online, taking a breather after finishing my finals last night, and guess who called??? BIKERIDING BOY. That's right. He called and asked what I was doing. Then came over. That's right, he willingly came over to my house."

 I can't stop laughing.  Seriously.  If you don't journal, please do.  It is so much fun to look back on!

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