archer two months

Archer is two months old!
Height: 23inches (76%)
Weight: 9lbs 14oz (25%)
By the third baby, you really appreciate how quickly it all goes by, and I've been trying to enjoy our sweet newborn as much as I can.

Archer is such a good little baby!  I've been doing baby wise for him, and it seems to be working.  He's doing great at napping and sleeping amazingly well at night. Hopefully that keeps up!

Nicknames for Archer:

  • Archie
  • Arch
  • Archie-bubs
  • Bubba
  • Archibald

  • Archer is smiling and cooing.  Love those gummy smiles!
  • He is tracking with his eyes and loves watching his sister's faces.
  • He's slept a few 8 hour stretches and one amazing 11 hour stretch!
Arch is growing like a weed!  He's a SLOOOOOW nurser but seems to be getting his fill.  It makes me so sad that he's grown out of most of his newborn clothes.

Archer joined the family for a Disneyland trip when he was six weeks old.  What an adventure!  He was pretty chill and went on Peter Pan and Small World.

Our little love has a red hint to his baby fuzz, so we are excited to see how his hair comes in!  We love you Archer Lee!  We are so happy to have a baby brother!

Archie's room.  Which he has yet to sleep in ;)
Wearing one of daddy's baby outfits

Arch at one month
Baby smiles

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