First, let me just say that I didn't think I would like breastfeeding that much. It seemed kind of weird and awkward. I like to be a lady on the go, and I wasn't sure how nursing would fit into that. At the same time, I knew that I wanted to do it because:
A. It burns 600 calories a day. And I could consume all of those extra calories in chocolate. Think I'm kidding?
B. Formula is expensive.
C. It's like, good for the baby or something?
In that order.
Anyway, Kennedy had a really hard time when my milk came in. Think of gross porn star boobs. (my apologies to any porn stars who read this blog. I'm sure your boobs are very nice.) Double that. We're talking medium sized watermelons, people.
Now picture my teeny tiny newborn baby trying to eat off of that. It's like me trying to eat off of a giant yoga ball.
So, yes. We had a hard time at first. But now we have the hang of it. And it is so great. It's easy. It's convenient. It's good for my baby. And I get to snuggle 7-8 time a day with my little lady who isn't that much of a snuggler.
And now I'm thinking of becoming one of those hippie moms who "long-term breastfeeds." Like, co-breastfeeding Kennedy with our second baby. Just think of all the chocolate that I could consume...
i just died laughing so hard. "my apologies to any porn stars reading this blog. I'm sure your boobs are very nice"