Day 12

So... I'm not doing too well with this whole "no shopping" thing.  I find myself shopping for non-clothing items just to get my fix.

Examples: I bought new curtains for my bedroom (I'm taking them back; they didn't work out.)  AND I bought adorable new heart dish towels (on Valentine's clearance) at Target today.  Doug's not such a fan, so I might have to take those back too.  He thinks that hearts are just for Valentine's Day.  He's a little confused.  Hearts mean that we love each other.  All the time.  That's what I told him.  And then I locked him in the closet for hating my new dish towels.

1 comment:

  1. haha! I'm having so much trouble not buying stuff too! Love your outfit! super cute!:)
    Cardigans and Cookie Dough
